Young evangelist
Last night, I overheard Christina (age 9 as of tomorrow) talk to Josiah (age 4) about, well, everything spiritual. She was giving him her theology of heaven (did a good job, actually), on how to live is Christ but to die is gain, about what Jesus did for us, and so on. Some of her theology sounded strangely Baptist (probably a little too much focus on the afterlife and not enough on now, for instance) but there was no question that she felt it important to have this “spiritual conversation” with Josiah. Last night, she prayed with Josiah as he committed to follow Jesus. She could hardly get to sleep after. I have no idea what happened (Josiah’s only 4 and there’s great danger in overestimating or underestimating what might have happened), but all I know is that I witnessed something beautiful. The faith of a child absolutely blows me away.