The Best Parts of Being a Pastor

I think I know the worst parts of being a pastor. One of them is the hurt that’s involved. Every pastor I know, at some point, experienced the relational pain that Paul describes in 2 Timothy. The other worst part is the sense of one’s own unworthiness. Godly pastors know how far they have to go in their own sanctification, and have a deep awareness of their need for grace and strength to carry out the tasks of ministry.
I know the worst parts, but the best parts are too many to mention.
It could be the joy of spending time in God’s word. I just spent the day working through two chapters of Scripture as I prepare to preach. In a couple of weeks, I get to stand in front of God’s people and share what I’ve learned and how it applies to us. It’s an awesome task, and I can’t believe I get to do it.
It could be the privilege of seeing God at work in the lives of people. I get to walk with people and care for their souls. I see some of their deepest struggles as well as their growth. I get to love people. It never gets old to see how God works among the people I get to serve.
It could be knowing that God uses me despite my weaknesses. Almost every week, I am deeply aware of how little I have to offer unless the Spirit helps me. I’m amazed that he so often uses what I have to offer. It’s a reminder that our confidence is not in our own abilities, but in the Spirit working through the word.
It could be the hidden beauty of the church itself. It looks so ordinary at first. Occasionally, though, we get glimpses of what’s really going on. These are saints, the household of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, “the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Look carefully at the church, and you begin to see a beauty that eclipses any earthly thing.
Any of these would make pastoring a privilege. The fact that pastors get to enjoy all of these is unbelievable.
Just over a week ago, I visited a church in Mexico City. They were celebrating their seventh anniversary. I heard the story of how God worked in the heart of the pastor to start the church. I heard stories of God’s provision and of the ups and downs of ministry. I heard stories of how God is at work in people’s lives. I watched as people poured out their hearts in prayer, pleading for God’s blessing on the service. I watched people worship. We ate together and laughed at the end. It was ordinary, profound, and beautiful at the same time.
We get to enjoy something similar every week.
There are a few hard parts about pastoring, but so many corresponding blessings too. God is good to allow pastors to enjoy these blessings.