Big Idea: Healthy church requires bold, sacrificial leaders and continual self-correction.
The older I get, the more I realize I need this, the church.
I went through a cynical phase. I saw all
Big Idea: Don’t deny your weakness; don’t try to fix your weakness. Boast in your weakness, because it’s the path to experiencing Christ’s power.
What are you going to
Big Idea: Beware the weakness of strength. Embrace the strength of weakness.
Have you ever heard a really impressive public speaker?
I have. I was a young teenager, and my youth group leader
Big Idea: Stay faithful to Jesus by clinging to the gospel and resisting false teaching.
I love Toronto, but one of the things that drives me crazy is discovering good churches that are
Big Idea: Get involved in church planting not just because of the responsibility but also the privileges that God grants to those who partner in planting.
I have a simple question for you