Big Idea: We can know what’s true, and what’s true can give us the assurance we need to live for God even when it’s hard.
In many instances, duct tape
Big Idea: Love is the defining characteristic of God and his people.
Let’s play a little association game today. I’ll show you some words and images, and you tell me what
Big Idea: Genuine, struggling believers: don’t live for this world, and don’t settle for lies about God.
Let’s start today with a pop quiz. Don’t worry. It shouldn’t
Big Idea: If we know we’re sinners rescued by Jesus, and if this leads us to obey God and love other believers, we can have assurance that we have genuine faith.
Big Idea: We get Christianity right when we make it about the real Jesus as the solution to our real sins.
Paul LeFeber – Slam Poetry Intro to 1 John from Liberty Grace Church