Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2022
Several of this year’s top theology stories negotiate that difference between citizenship in a nation versus responsibility to the world.
What Keepers Can Teach Us About the Hypostatic Union
Goalkeepers have a lot to teach us concerning the hypostatic union, the person/nature distinction evident in Jesus, and the kenosis of the Son of God.
Most Churches Plan to Open on Christmas and New Year’s Day
More than 5 in 6 U.S. Protestant pastors (84%) say their church plans to have services on Christmas Day.
More on this topic: Why Our Church Cancelled Christmas Eve Service and Why Our Church Is Having Christmas Day Services
A Foolproof Discipling Program: Corporate Worship
I am concerned that many pastors unwittingly overlook the core discipleship program the New Testament prescribes: the corporate worship gathering.
More Book Lists
From TGC Editorial Staff, Tim Challies, The London Lyceum, and J.A. Medders
9 Bible Reading Plans for 2023
We could all benefit from more time in the Bible in 2023.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Heaven Came to Earth
That first Christmas, heaven came to earth and gave us a taste of our future.