Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Clearing Up Confusion About Humility
Don’t get high. Don’t put yourself in the center. Instead, put others there. Get low and off-center.
How (and Why) to Greet like Paul
Here’s how (and why) to greet like Paul.
Why Gen Z Men like Me Are Staying in Church
At church, Gen Z men are still being called to sacrifice in a culture that taught them to live for themselves.
Grief and Gratitude When a Church Ends
Not every ending is a failure because longevity may not be God’s intention for every church.
AI, Writing, and Human Creativity
The act of writing, if it is to survive and thrive in Christian settings, must reclaim its identity as a creative and human expression.
We dishonor people when we treat them as if they can’t handle the biblical words, and we dishonor God when we speak the words He has given us hesitantly.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Advice to New and Aspiring Pastors
Six things I’d do differently if I started over again