Mosaic 2005

November 16-18 in Toronto with Erwin McManus, Rick McKinley, and others Mosaic 2005 is about church planting in Canada. We want to see a gathering of Christians within practical and relational distance of

The Senility Prayer

God grant me the Senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

The Millennium Matrix

Rex Miller, author of The Millennium Matrix, links to an article (PDF format) in this month’s Futurist magazine to describes rules for living, working and finding sanity in the digital matrix. Miller’

How to be a better preacher

That’s easy. Increase your life. Live your life more fully. And pay attention to it…Stay as alive as you dare, and trust that your life with all its unorthodox twists and