Only One Message

The Bible’s a big book. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the different themes, genres, and sections. Because of this, it helps to simplify and to keep the main point in mind so we can always understand how the parts relate to the whole.
The main point can be summarized in one word: gospel. And that one word can be unpacked around events that took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago.
God the Son became human. He obeyed God perfectly, living the life that we couldn’t. He died for our sins on the cross. He rose again, conquering death. He ascended into heaven and now reigns at God’s right hand. All of this hinges on three days in Jerusalem. The whole Bible and all of history centers around this climatic weekend that changes everything.
That’s why Paul, a leader in the early church, could write, “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). Paul chose to forget everything else and to focus on the one message that changes everything: that message of Jesus and the cross.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed, find your way back to the cross. Whenever you feel discouraged with your own growth, focus on the cross. Remember what Jesus has done for you. It changes everything in this life and forever.