8 Habits for Growth Resources
Habit #1: Make Time
Make at least 10–15 minutes per day to work through the 8 Habits for Growth book, and once you’re done, continue practicing these habits.
Habit #2: Rest and Refresh
Build a rhythm of work and rest in your life on a daily and weekly basis.
Habit #3: Engage the Bible
Engage the Bible by reading or listening to Scripture daily.
Habit #4: Speak with God
Speak with God every day through prayer. Live your life in relationship with God.
Habit #5: Worship and Belong
We’re meant to live our lives as part of God’s people, both receiving from and contributing to the lives of other believers.
Habit #6: Care for Your Body
Care for your body for God’s glory, and so that you can love and serve others.
Habit #7: Simplify and Prioritize
Look for ways to simplify your life in order to keep your focus on the main thing.
Habit #8: Go the Distance
Begin to build a Rule of Life, a set of rhythms and relationships that fit your life.
Download the “Using 8 Habits for Growth in Your Church” and “Helping Others Grow” bonus appendices from 8 Habits for Growth.
Download wallpapers containing the 8 Habits for Growth for your computer or phone.