Preaching Old Testament narratives in a story-driven culture
I heard Steve Mathewson teach yesterday on preaching Old Testament narrative in a story-driven culture. Steve covered how to exegete a narrative and how to preach it. He then delivered a sermon on Judges 3 – a passage I just preached on last week – and deconstructed it, explaining why he made the choices he did.I missed part of the day due to sick kids at home, but what I heard helped renew my commitment to the preaching task. Steve is an example of someone who is engaged in real pastoral life with all its pressures, and who models faithful exposition within that context.MP3s of the day are available from Heritage Theological Seminary at a cost of $15. CDs will be $25. They’re well worth getting. Contact info is online.Steve’s book, The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative, is also well worth reading.