Small is Underrated

We’re impressed with bigness, but I believe that small is vastly underrated.
Small Churches
Take a small church. A small church is probably going to be a difficult church, not because there’s anything wrong with a small church in itself. The tough thing about attending or pastoring a small church is that some people will see that smallness as a failure. They will see a good small church as a failed big church rather than what it really is: a church that’s beautiful and holy at its current size.
Pity the person who doesn’t see the small church the way that God does. Small churches, especially ones in small places, need to post these words from Francis Schaeffer somewhere where everyone can see them: “As there are no little people in God’s sight, so there are no little places. To be wholly committed to God in the place where God wants him — this is the creature glorified.”
Small churches are underrated.
Small Pastorates
I wish I had heeded Francis Schaeffer’s advice earlier: “This is the way of the Christian: he should choose the lesser place until God extrudes him into a position of more responsibility and authority.”
Pastors: seek small ministries. Don’t think you deserve a big church. Choose a small one and serve God there faithfully until he makes it clear that he’s moving you to a bigger one.
Why? “First, we should seek the lowest place because there it is easier to be quiet before the face of the Lord,” Schaeffer explains. Bigger ministries come with more pressure and responsibility. Praise God for the blessing of peace and quietness in a smaller ministry. “Quietness and peace before God are more important than any influence a position may seem to give,” he writes.
But there’s a second reason why we should choose a smaller pastorate. “The second reason why we should not seek the larger place is that if we deliberately and egotistically lay hold on leadership, wanting the drums to beat and the trumpets to blow, then we are not qualified for Christian leadership.” There is something within us that wants to be a big deal. Until we put this impulse to death, we’re not ready for pastoral ministry.
Small pastorates are beautiful because we get to enjoy greater peace, and we get to fight our ungodly ambitions. We learn to serve and love where God has placed us.
Small pastorates are underrated.
Small Disciplines
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God,” said William Carey. Fair enough.
But, mostly, the Christian life isn’t about doing great things for God. It’s about practicing small disciplines. Open God’s word. Pray. Join a good church. Show up for worship. Fellowship with other believers. None of these are impressive, but they are all essential.
Faithfulness doesn’t look like doing great things for God. Mostly, it looks like doing the things that nobody else will ever notice. We do them not because they’re impressive but because we seek the only One who will satisfy our souls.
Small disciples are underrated.
Small is underrated.
Never look down on a small church, small pastorate, or small discipline. Embrace them. Our world’s obsessed with bigness, so look the other way and see the beauty of what looks unremarkable to most, but is actually glorious if you take a second look.