Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Weary Pastor, Look to the Shepherd
Even shepherds are like sheep and need the Shepherd’s care.
My Framework vs. Single Bible Text
When it is my entire framework versus a single text of Scripture, the text must always win.
Cremation, as far as this writer is concerned, is no sin. It is rather a risk, not for the person who has died, but for the rest of us.
Your Phone Habits Aren’t Just About You
You’re not an island. Your phone habits are never just about you. Our digital choices reflect our priorities. Our online actions have downstream effects.
Go Get Her: To Men Delaying Marriage
Brothers, awake to the wild glory of marriage. Awake to the glory of a wife. Stop just thinking about it, and go to it right merrily.
Reimagining Seminary as Neo-Monastic Cohorts
Instead of expanding and extending an ever-widening array of options designed for convenience, what if seminaries considered alternative approaches designed for deeper, richer, spiritual formation, flowing from theological education suffused by worship in community?