Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
In the pursuit of meaningful service for Christ, oftentimes the little things are the big things.
The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen
Truly, I have seen wonders more beautiful than tongue or scribe could ever tell. And yet none of this represents the greatest beauty I have ever seen. There is something more wonderful, still, something that delights my eyes and thrills my heart.
A Prayer Meeting Like That Does Not Scare The Devil
So often the prayer requests highjack the prayer meeting to the point that no prayer actually happens.
Enough with the Valorization of Doubt!
We’re never told to celebrate our doubts but to press through them toward a fortified faith on the other side.
Building a Stronger Prayer Life
Discover how to transform your prayer life from a daily struggle into a profound, joy-filled conversation with a Father who deeply cares about every detail of your life.
Let Me Get Home Before Dark: Wisdom to Help Pastors Finish Well
McQuilkin didn’t fear the ‘dark spectre’ of death, and he put into words the cry of my heart: ‘But I do fear . . . that I should stain your honor, shame your name, grieve your loving heart.’
A Fallen Pastor and His Restoration
Can a fallen minister ever be restored to office? Are there certain sins that permanently disqualify a man from ministry? Or, can a fallen minister return to office after sufficiently proving genuine repentance and restoration, regardless of the sin?
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Anatomy of a Moral Failure
Extraordinary gifts and a powerful ministry are no guarantee of future faithfulness. We can serve God with passion, take a courageous stand, and see results in our ministry, but we’re still in danger of failing.