Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Think You Know the Christmas Story?
It might be useful to reflect on a few common misconceptions about the Christmas story. Here are five of them.
Did the Son of God Leave Heaven When He Came to Earth?
We don’t need the Son of God leaving heaven for earth in order for the incarnation to be worth singing about.
When we rest for God, we join him on mission.
Meet the Astronaut Who Left NASA to Help Support Healthy Churches
In spring 2021, Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) in Washington, DC, had nine pastoral interns.
One was NASA’s former head astronaut.
Why We Need Beautiful Churches
Why do we need beautiful churches? The simplest answer is: because God is beautiful, the universe he made is beautiful, and the gospel of lavish grace is beautiful. To willingly have ugly churches, then, is a kind of inconsistency, if not an untruth.
What to Do If You Have to Preach Extemporaneously and Helpful Hacks for Preaching from a Manuscript
Tips for preaching under two very different circumstances
12 Fresh Ways to Read Your Bible in 2025 and Best Bible Reading Plans for 2025
Two helpful articles from Tim Challies and Reagan Rose