Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Gospel Hope for North America’s Largest Unreached People Group
“The gospel is the power of God,” Ethier said, “and we are amazed daily at what God is doing.”
Dear older saint, I need to join you in the fight against the fears of aging, and to do so by faith in future grace.
Dear Retired Pastor: Off with the Slippers, On with the Boots
Here are four lessons I’ve learned as a retired pastor.
Pastor, It's Time to Reevaluate Your Schedule
With a new year on the horizon, now is an excellent time to go back to the drawing board and create a new weekly schedule for yourself.
Is Sunday Still the First Day of the Week?
Calendars aren’t neutral. So when you notice the shift on your electronic device away from Sunday as the first day of the week, resist going along.
The Bible Is Too Inexhaustibly Interesting to Be Boring
Embrace the additive nature of Scripture’s inexhaustibility. Linger on the familiar passages. Ask questions of those you’ve perhaps never read before.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: The Number One Thing You Can Do This Year to Grow
If you want to grow in godliness this year, the number one thing you can do is to regularly read the Bible.