Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Church Planting: One Step at a Time
A new 9Marks Journal
Underrated People Every Church Needs
6 unsung heroes to thank God for
Jesus Is Better Than Working for Jesus
The heart of Christian ministry is the person and work of Christ, not the person and work of the minister.
We Aren’t Called to Listen to Everybody
There are only about four groups of people whose opinion I think matter (other than Jesus himself, of course).
Give yourself some space to be curious again, to ask the questions you haven’t asked in decades.
What Happened to Our Mental Bandwidth?
Nearly all modern citizens are walking around in a state of bandwidth depletion, and the downstream effects of this cannot be underestimated.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: A Pastor's Temptations
Looking back on my ministry as a pastor, I’ve faced a series of temptations.