Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
If we left the results to God, we would find that evangelism itself is simple.
How We May Have “The Apologist’s Creed” Wrong
Our resilience in the face of trials becomes the most powerful opportunity for outreach we have.
Hospitality Is an Everyday Endeavor
What if all of our interactions with people left them with a better sense of who Jesus really is?
When You Don’t Like Your Wife, Love Your Wife
Whether you feel loved or unloved, whether your heart is warm toward your wife or cold, whether you’re finding yourself drawn toward her or pulled away, love her, serve her, bless her.
The marketplace mentality is working against ordinary congregations.
How Evangelicals Lose Will Make All the Difference
What does faithful witness look like as evangelicals lose the culture?
Pastor, You Don’t Need to Work 60 Hours a Week
You don’t need to work crazy hours to plant or lead a healthy, fruitful church.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Take a Break This Summer
Perhaps one of the most strategic thing we could do this summer is to get the rest we need so we’re ready to serve him again sustainably.