Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Annual Planning With the Ten Commandments
The Decalogue serves us as a way to put our feet on a firm foundation when other factors try to convince us that life is a chaotic mess.
Help! I Failed My Year-Long Bible Reading Plan
Here are four redefining elements of my Bible study over the past decade that have restored both my joy in and practice of yearly Bible reading.
When I stopped checking the boxes, something started to change in my attitude toward God’s word.
Here are three encouragements for the servant with less.
Let’s be defiant. Let’s get free of every lie, by God’s grace, starting with the fraudulence that pornography is.
Christian Piety Can No Longer Avoid Politics
Christians will increasingly find that the technocratic good and the psychopolitical good will be directly at odds with Christian moral theology and thus cause us to be political outsiders.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: The Most Strategic Action You Can Take to Grow Next Year
The most strategic answer you can take to grow as a Christian is to encounter and respond to God in his word.