Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
The exceptional things we should exemplify to our people are – well, they are very ordinary. Ordinary but not common. Exceptional but not spectacular. Earth shattering but not newsworthy. But extraordinary all the same. Extraordinarily ordinary.
Make It Your Ambition Not to Be Ambitious
I learned, in the university of the cross, the joy of an unaccomplished life. The happiness of being normal. The immeasurable contentment that comes from dreaming small.
The Body Is Bigger Than You Think
The Church is bigger than your church. The kingdom is bigger than your denomination. God’s people are all over the world, united by a shared love for Jesus and confession of his lordship.
5 Effects of Expository Preaching on a Church
Here are five ways expository preaching beautifies Christ’s bride.
The Puritans on Habits and Spiritual Maturity
The Puritans believed that habits were a means of cultivating spiritual maturity in the believer.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: So Many Books
Praise God for books. What a gift. What a responsibility.