Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
God’s design includes a responsibility for one another.
The Local Church Is Your Spiritual Gifts Test
For generations, the only effective means of assessing one’s spiritual gifts has been the local church.
What Small Churches Teach Us About Meaningful Membership
There are three relational dynamics present in small churches that are crucial for developing a meaningful membership.
What Job Titles Should Churches Use? Two Simple Rules
The biblical patterns for church structures and leadership are meant to be a blessing. We shouldn’t want to look for loopholes, like we do with our taxes. We should aspire to conform ourselves to the Bible and be clear about it.
When Spiritual Routines Get Boring
How can we help our spiritual practices not to become so routine that we move through them on autopilot?
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: When Ministry Gets Complicated
Whenever ministry gets complex, I try to remind myself of two priorities that matter most: glorify Jesus and love people. That’s not all I have to do, but without these two priorities in place, little else matters.