Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
2022 Results Now Available: The State of Theology
What do Americans believe about God, the Bible, and salvation? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey provides eye-opening insights.
The Distressing State of Evangelicals and Theology
A couple eye-popping stats show that evangelicals are terribly wrong on doctrines of central importance.
New Testament leaders—the pastor-elders—are teachers. Christianity is a teaching movement.
Preaching Can't Love You Back (but People Will)
When you’re committing to a church, you’re not committing to your favorite Sunday-morning preacher … No, when you commit to a church, you’re most fundamentally committing to people.
Beware the Habits of Controversy
People observing the visible Church should be able to see it bear witness to both (i) the holiness of God (through its purity), and (ii) the love of God (through the way its members treat each other).
If you feel inadequate to lead your kids spiritually, just go to church. If strategizing about your Christian parenting feels overly complicated, just go to church. If you’ve been taking a few too many Sundays off, just go to church.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Preaching as a Four-Legged Chair
Preaching involves four parts. Get one of them wrong, and the entire chair wobbles, even collapses.