Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Why It Matters That Jesus Was and Still Is Human
The Son has not retreated back into the disembodied divine state in which he existed before he took on flesh.
What is impossible for God, who cannot change, is possible in Christ because of the glory of the incarnation.
The Spiritual Gift of a Closed Door
While you wait for some door to open, be as faithful as you can be with whatever work, however seemingly small, God has entrusted to you for now.
The Better Way to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
The best way to discover how God has gifted you is by participating in your local church.
Should You Use Incentives in Youth Ministry?
The Christian life is not without incentive, but the incentive is knowing God.
Church in the Trenches: 6 Months of Wartime Ministry in Ukraine
“If I am a shepherd in Jesus’s image, how could I leave my people?”
Dealing with Depression When You’re the Pastor
Many pastors struggle with depression to some degree. Here are some suggestions to help you live, not simply endure.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Pastors: Discouragement is Normal
If you’re a pastor, expect to be discouraged. It’s not necessarily a sign that you’re doing something wrong or that your ministry is over. It’s par for the course.