Saturday Links

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

The Life-changing Magic of Showing Up

You need to show up not just because you need other people, but because other people need you!

The Threat of Joy In Ministry

Resist the false hope of ministry and continue coming to the only fountain that never runs dry, the fountain of Christ Himself.

Justification by Attendance

Our justification is in the Gospel, not how many people attend our services.

Seven Steps to Take If the Cartel and Bullies Run You Out of the Church

Bullying is evil. Cartels are nefarious as well.
But God is good. And He is greater than anything the world or the local church can throw our way.

9 Ways to Pray About Church Opposition

At some point in our Christian walk, all of us face opposition from within the church. When that happens for you, here are some ways to pray.

What our Governor General Teaches Us about Leadership

So often we hear in the church (and elsewhere) that “everything rises and fall on leadership.” What we don’t fully understand is that this statement for most leaders is rooted in the “command and control” kind of leadership that Johnston was talking about.

3 Ways to Become More Generous and Grow Your Audience

Don’t hold back, don’t be stingy, and don’t cut corners. Just give, and give freely.
Saturday Links
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada