Saturday Links

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

The Hot ‘New’ Church Growth Method

A new study just unearthed a remarkable finding: conservative doctrine grows churches.

It Multiplied

Church growth takes planning. Let’s do it. But church multiplication takes miracle. Let’s be open to what only God can do.

5 Things The Seeker Movement Got Right

This really is a post about some good gifts the seeker church of yesteryear has given contemporary evangelicalism.

6 Ways to Stir Your Affections for Weekly Preaching

For those committed to exposition who have a sermon preparation routine, a vital question is this: How can we stir our affections for Sunday? Here are six ways.

No More Channel-Flipping Sermons

Pick a section of scripture, and stick to it. Put down the clicker. Maybe change the channel once, from Old Testament to New, or vice versa. But hunker down. Tell the story, make the argument, sing the song.

Three Church-Planting Practices That Need To Die

Let me share three church-planting practices that need to die if we are to begin and sustain church plants that glorify God and keep us on mission with Him.

Why You Can & CAN’T “Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens” You

When I misuse a passage like Phil. 4:13, I cover up the word of God with cheap veneer of my own or my culture’s making. In short, I miss or mangle what God really is wanting to say to me through the passage.
Saturday Links
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada