Personal Update


I have some personal news to share.

Concluding a Ministry

On Sunday, July 16, I announced that I’ll be concluding my ministry at Liberty Grace Church on our tenth anniversary Sunday at the end of September.

I still can’t believe this news. We knew this day was coming, but it’s still hard for me to grasp. From the beginning when we helped start the church, we knew that, with God’s help, I would one day find a successor to take over my role. We’ve had the privilege of seeing God work over the past ten years. We love this church, and it’s hard to contemplate leaving, even though we believe it’s the right time.

If you’re interested, you can watch my announcement below, or read a copy of what I said on that day.

Beginning a Ministry

Here’s the other half of my news: God willing, I will begin my ministry as senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills this Fall.

GFC Don Mills began some 13 years ago in the east end of Toronto. I’ve watched this church from a distance as it’s grown. It’s been exciting to see God at work in this congregation.

This year, I had the privilege of speaking at their young adult’s retreat, and then preaching at their services a few times. During this time, God began to stir my heart for this church. After much prayer, discussion, and counsel, we began to explore the possibility, and things moved ahead.

I’ve grown to appreciate so much about this church. They’ve enjoyed solid teaching and are hungry for more. We’re aligned theologically. They have a great team of elders and staff. And I’ve grown to really appreciate the congregation as I get to know them and as we see the potential for further ministry in this church in the future.

I have very mixed feelings. I’m sad to leave a church I love and thrilled that God’s providence has led us to another great church in the city.


It’s hard for me not to be grateful.

I’m grateful for the privilege of planting and pastoring Liberty Grace Church for these past ten years, and for seeing God work in remarkable ways. We love the culture that’s grown at this church, and the people who’ve joined us. They’re answers to prayer. We feel blessed by God to have been able to spend these years at this church.

We’re also grateful for Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. We’re grateful for the elders, staff, and congregation, and for their hunger for God’s word. We’re incredibly grateful for the privilege of beginning to serve there.

Please Pray

I have two man requests.

Please pray for these two churches. Pray that God provides a successor at Liberty Grace church, and that he provides for the church in this period of transition. Please also pray for GFC Don Mills as we begin our ministry there.

And please pray that I am found faithful. Pray that I serve God faithfully: that I complete my ministry well at Liberty Grace Church, that I serve wisely and well as I begin my ministry at GFC Don Mills, and that God gets all the glory.

We long for more good churches in Toronto, and for God to be glorified in the ministries of these and other churches in this city.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada